Wednesday, September 10, 2008

McCain attacks Obama because Obama belives in protecting children from pedophiles

Sept 9th, 2008:

Today, Fixed News (Fox) published an article stating that the McCain/Palin campaign released a new attack ad accusing Presidential Nominee Barack Obama of supporting legislation that would teach children in kindergarten sex education. The ad states, "Obama hasn't made a significant mark on education" referring to him as "elusive." It also accuses Obama of supporting "[l]earning about sex before learning to read." The McCain campaign closes the ad with the following statement "Barack Obama. Wrong on education, Wrong for your family."
The truth about this ad is the legislation is it was not written by Obama, it never became a law and "it would have required age-appropriate information in schools." The bill also allowed parents to opt out of sex education for their children. For the kindergarten children it would teach them concepts like "good touch and bad touch."
This article deserves our attention because it shows us how the political process in America is working today. The American public today accepts lies and distortions from our political leaders and have even come to expect it. The major problem with this add (aside from the complete distortion of the facts) is that Americans now vote for candidates not based on policy, but on his/her ability to trash and degrade the opposition. John McCain fails to mention a single aspect of his own education plan in an ad that attacks his opponent on education!

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