Is it still possible? Behind all of the rhetoric, discussions and plans for the future is the reality of the state of our country. A 6.1 % unemployment rate (expected to reach 9% by mid 2009) and this figure only includes workers collecting unemployment benefits. A national debt of 10.2 trillion and counting. A trillion dollar bailout for banks, insurance companies and rich CEOs, while millions of Americans are losing their homes and their jobs. A stock market on the brink of collapse, taking with it our retirement. A nation that has spent the last 8 years in gridlock. Divided between left and right terrorist and patriot, pro-life pro-choice and gay rights. Our civil rights being stripped away one Patriot Act at a time. An average of 3.5 million homeless each year (39% are children and 33% are veterans ). An extremely high poverty rate 12.5% of the population .2 deadly wars, although we have yet to issue declaration of war, resulting in the death of thousands of American soldiers and civilians (which we are somehow "winning" even though we can't define victory.) 100's of thousands of physically and mentally wounded veterans, from many wars with insufficient benefits. A broken health care system run by HMOs and drug companies leaving over 50 million uninsured (again many of these are children). A education system only concerned with test performance not shaping minds for the future. An astronomical dropout rate ( 1 in 3 )! And an Energy independence problem (Drill baby Drill?) With so many problems ingrained in our system its hard to see how we will ever navigate a path out.
And we won't! So don't bother looking for a solution, be happy with what you got. Here's the reason why. The owners of this country don't want that. That's right! And by owners I mean the big wealthy business interests who really make the decisions for this country. Politicians are just puppets put here to make us feel like we have a voice. We don't! And it's quite obvious what these "owners" want. More for themselves and less for everyone else. You know what these people want ? ( I think the late George Carlin said it best)
"Obedient workers! People who are just smart enough to do the paperwork and run the machines and passively accept the increasingly shittier jobs, for less pay, vanishing benefits and disappearing pensions....But here's what they don't want, a population of well educated people capable of critical thinking."
Unfortunately, no one seems to notice or care. Americans remain (as always) "willfully ignorant". We continue to elect these rich, self serving, corrupted politicians who don't care about us. This is what the owners of this country know and have come to count on. When will this country WAKE UP and realize the TRUTH ?
"It's called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it!"
(RIP- George Carlin)
Monday, October 27, 2008
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In an article by Evil Genius called "The American Dream" it is addresses how the American dream could be something of the past. And instead it could now be referred to as the American nightmare. The author goes about listing many of the apparent problems the nation is facing, such as the nations embarrassing amount of debt and our joke health care system. Or the unstable stock market and increasing and already high poverty rate. After he is done listing some of problems that foreshadow our nations demise; he tells us to just be happy and live it because looking for a solution is pointless. Due to the fact that the "real" people who run this nation don't want to run it for the better with all of us in mind, but just with their greedy self interests in mind. He says how Politicians are "puppets" which are used to make us feel like we have a voice when we really don't. And believes that the American public is too stupid to realize the truth; as we continue to walk blindly down this forged path provided by the real owners of this country (wealthy business interests) along with crooked politicians.
I agree with Evil Genius when he says finding a solution for all this is practically impossible judging by how things are being run now. And he's right when he says be happy with what you got. Things could be and probably will get much worse. So it seems if you have an average stable life at the moment be damn thankful for it. If you don't then well, I'm just glad I'm not in your position...yet.
As for his question on when this country will wake up and realize the truth. It is answered with the ending quote, "It's called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it!" You see it would not be in most Americans interest to wake up and actually witness what America is becoming. Because life is so much better when you don't have to worry about the worlds problems and they don't interfere with your life. Until that one day they come and bite you in the ass, leaving you crippled and slowly bleeding to death, which we all hope never comes if it hasn't already. Therefore you can expect America to stay asleep and continue to dream about that sweet old American dream hoping everything just fixes itself. If America every does wake up though, lets at least hope we don't eat the shit we are fed. But that already seems unlikely. Whether you like him or hate him, if Obama can't help us in the next 4 years, we are seriously in for a rude awakening.
I will be critiquing on article by Evil Genius appearing in October 27, 2008 in my classmate’s blogs, When Tyranny is Law, Revolution is Order, entitled “The American Dream”.
The author of this article “The American Dream” did very interesting, and exceptional work. First, he breaks down the entire problems encounter in this country, and second, he identifies the “Owners”- the big wealthy business interest, as responsible for economic, social and political disasters. For the author, politicians are like instruments use by the “owners” to achieve their goals; their own interests and not that of the nation. Despite it’s briefly, this article sufficiently explores and summarize the problems of this country.
Genius denounce the reality of the State of our country while evoking the unemployment, the national debt, a collapse of the stock market, two deadly wars, a broken health care system, a broken education system, and energy independence problem. These entire problems because of the “owner” who in reality make the decision for this country.
Genius makes very impressive arguments with examples and statistics information to prove his point. For example Evil Genius cited “6.1% unemployment rate (expected to reach 9% by mid 2009)”. The editorial has it right, about the complexity of our system to get job done.
In two words “we don’t”, Evil Genius affirms his firm opposition to the system of lobbies. He launches a call for American to get back their civil rights that has being stripped away.
As this article seeks, we need to wake up and to realize the truth about “America Dream”.
For Genius what “the owner” want is “The obedient workers”- people who are just smart enough to do their job and nothing else. What “The owner” doesn’t want is a population of well educated people capable of critical thinking. Genius made successful and real argument about the American dream. However, the article spent more time in the statistical information about the economy disaster, and didn’t deep in political and social matter. We need new direction for our country. Yes, we can!
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